Snake Chinese Zodiac Personality & Element

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Year of the snake five elements

The last Year of the Snake was 2013, the next Year of the Snake will be 2025. For this purpose, let us recall the other Years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, and 2025.

Note that the snake occupies the 6th position in the Chinese zodiac. In Chinese culture, the snake appears as the most enigmatic animal among the twelve animals of the zodiac. People born in a Year of the Snake are said to be very intuitive.

What is the meaning of the Chinese zodiac sign Snake?

If we reread the history of the Chinese zodiac, the majestic dragon came in 5th position during the competition organized by the Jade Emperor to determine the zodiacal animals. Immediately afterwards, the emperor’s entourage suggested that the son of the dragon become the 6th animal of the zodiac. But that day he was absent. Then a snake appeared which presented itself as the adopted son of the dragon and thus became the 6th zodiacal animal.

Calendar of the Years of the Snake and Calculate your Chinese sign

Are you a Snake?

If you were born in the years 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or 2013, you could be a snake, but not necessarily. Indeed, the year of the zodiac normally begins at the time of the Chinese New Year (between the end of January and mid-February). Also, if you were born in January or February of any of the years mentioned above, you could be a snake or a dragon.

Let’s take the year 2001 as an example:

In 2001, the Year of the Snake begins on January 24. People born after this date will belong to the sign of the snake. On the other hand, if they were born before this date, they will be of the previous sign, namely, a dragon.

If you want to know your Chinese zodiac sign, you can enter your date of birth in the search engine located in the upper right corner of the page.

Years of the Snake Calendar

Year of The SnakePeriodType of Snake
1929from February 10, 1929 to January 29, 1930Earth snake
1941from January 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942Metal Snake
1953from February 14, 1953 to February 3, 1954Water Snake
1965from February 2, 1965 to January 20, 1966Wood Snake
1977from February 18, 1977 to February 6, 1978Fire Snake
1989from February 6, 1989 to January 26, 1990Earth Snake
2001from January 24, 2001 to February 11, 2002Metal Snake
2013from February 10, 2013 to January 30, 2014Water Snake
2025from January 29, 2025 to February 16, 2026Wood Snake

Personality of Snakes: Intelligent, wise…

In Chinese culture, the snake is the most enigmatic animal among the twelve zodiacal animals. People born in a Year of the Snake are renowned for their insight.

Of a secretive and cautious nature, snakes possess a certain inclination to act according to their own judgment. Refusing any failure, their stubbornness allows them to reach the highest peaks.

Snakes symbolize wisdom. Intelligent and cultured and although they have a real talent for speaking, they are not very talkative. Snakes are usually seen as great thinkers or great sages.

Materialistic, snakes especially like to surround themselves with beautiful things. In addition, they value elegance and pay particular attention to their appearance. On the other hand, they lack patience for shopping.

People of the sign of the snake like to move forward alone in their personal sphere. Solitary in nature, they are more easily subject to stress and anxiety. When they get really irritable, it’s best to give them space and time before they return to normal behavior.

– Snake Quarry

Snakes come across as very creative and extremely diligent beings. Although the latter work very hard, they tend to change jobs easily because they tire quickly. The most complex problems easily stimulate these great thinkers. They excel at problem solving and thrive even more when given very tight deadlines for success.

Ideal professions for snakes : scientist, analyst, researcher, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician and sociologist

– Snake Health

Snakes prefer to lead a peaceful life. The outside world frightens them and they find it difficult to bear the noises that attack them. They become anxious, easily, when their life lacks serenity and their daily life is disorganized. As a result, a reasonable workload will suit them better than a busy schedule.

Snakes need to force themselves to take time to rest and relax. They must, imperatively, take vacations as soon as the need arises. Relatives should take care of the health of the snakes, especially if they are elderly members of their family.

– Snake Relations

People born in a Year of the Snake surround themselves with only a few carefully selected friends. It is almost impossible to lift this veil of mystery that surrounds them. They open up little to others and rarely exteriorize their feelings. They remain very careful in the choice of their friends whose fidelity they will ensure. Besides, snakes will never forgive an attack on their friendship.

Once their shell has been pierced, the snakes will finally reveal themselves to share their sorrows and their joys with friends. They will watch over their friendships like a treasure of great value. Snakes easily become jealous or even obsessive.

Lucky elements for people born in a year of the Snake

Elements that bring luck to Snakes:

  • Lucky numbers: 2,8, 9 and the numbers containing them
  • Lucky days: the 1st and 23rd days of each month of the Chinese lunar calendar
  • Lucky colors: black, red and yellow.
  • Lucky flowers: orchids and cacti.
  • Lucky directions: east, west and southwest
  • Lucky months: the 1st , 8th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Items snakes should avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: brown, gold and white
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7
  • Unlucky directions: northwest and northeast
  • Unlucky months: the 3rd , 9th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Love compatibility: is he (or is she) compatible with you?

Each animal sign has its own characteristics that will influence the degree of love compatibility between the animals of the Chinese zodiac. Only people who have certain similarities could be ideal partners for each other.

By consulting, below, the compatibility of the snake with the other animals of the zodiac, you will be able to find out if your sign is (or not) compatible with that of the snake.

Best Compatibility: Dragon, Rooster

Worse compatibility: Tiger, rabbit, goat, pig

Year of the Snake for Snakes

The year of a person’s zodiac sign of birth (本命年 běnmìngnián /bnn-ming-nyen/ ‘foundation of life’) is considered the most unlucky of the 12-year cycle of the zodiac . Thus, during the years dedicated to their sign, the snakes will have to be very attentive with regard to all aspects of their lives ranging from love and career to health and fortune. Know that the year 2025 will be the next year under the sign of the snake and that it will begin at the Chinese New Year, January 29.

What Type of ‘Snake’ Are You?

In Chinese theory of the elements, each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth following a 60-year cycle. For example: a wood snake will only appear every six decades.

It is considered that the characteristics of a person are determined according to their zodiac animal sign of their year of birth. Thus, there are five types of snakes, each with its own particularities.

type of snakeyear of birthFeatures
Wood Snake1905, 1965Orderly, intelligent, refined taste with a gift for appreciating famous celebrities.
Fire Snake1917, 1977Intelligent, insightful, communicative, active and particularly enjoys being in the spotlight
Earth Snake1929, 1989Quiet, with strong self-control, but not firm or serious enough in work
Metal Snake1941, 2001Determined, courageous, confident and endowed with great abilities: a born leader.
Water Snake1953, 2013Intelligent, creative, lively and communicative, but sentimental

Famous people of the Chinese zodiac sign Snake

  • Pablo Picasso born October 25, 1881, a Metal Snake
  • Mao Zedong born December 26, 1893, a Water Snake
  • John F. Kennedy born May 29, 1917, a Fire Snake
  • JK Rowling born July 31, 1965, a Wood Snake

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